Monday, 25 March 2013

Not the Arctic Convoy. 

      On a cosy boat with no risk of torpedoes coming at you, it's difficult to imagine the hardships men experienced during the Arctic Convoys of the Second World War. But standing on an icy, snow covered deck in sub zero temperatures made it a wee bit easier to visualise. The Scottish poet J.K. Annand who survived the convoys, brought the experience alive when he wrote this poem - and all the grittier for being written in the Scots language.


Arctic Convoy

Intil the pitmirk nicht we northwart sail
Facing the bleffarts and the gurly seas
That ser' out muckle skaith to mortal men.
Whummlin about like a waukrife feverit bairn
The gude ship snowks the waters o a wave.
Swithers, syne pokes her neb intil the air
Hings for a wee thing, dinnlin, on the crest,
And clatters in the trouch wi sic a dunt
As gey near rives the platin frae her ribs
And flypes the tripes o insuspectin man.

Northwart, aye northwart, in the pitmirk nicht.
A nirlin wind comes blawin frae the ice,
Plays dirdum through the rails and shrouds and riggin,
Ruggin at bodies clawin at the life-lines.
There's a sic a rowth o air that neb and lungs
Juist cannae cope wi sic a dirlin onding.

Caulder the air becomes,  and snell the wind.
The waters, splairgin as she dunts her boo,
Blads in a blatter o hailstanes on the brig
And geals on guns and turrets, masts and spars,
Cleedin the iron and steel wi coat of ice.

Northwart, aye northwart, in the pitmirk nict.
The nirlin wind has gane, a lowness comes;
The lang slaw swall still minds us o the gale.
Restin aff-watch, a-sweein in our hammmocks,
We watch our sleepin messmates' fozy braith
Transmogrify to ice upon the skin
That growes aye thicker on the ship-side plates.

Nae mair we hear the lipper o the water,
Only the dunsh o ice-floes scruntin by;
Floes that in the noon-day gloaming licht
Are lily leafs upon my lochan dubh.
But nae bricht lily-flouer delytes the ee,

Nae diving bird diverts amang the leafs,
Nae sea-bird to convoy us on our gait.
In ilka deid-lown airt smools Davy Jones,
Ice-tangle marline spikes o fingers gleg
To claught the bodies o unwary sailors
And hike them doun to stap intil his kist.
Whiles 'Arctic reek' taks on the orra shapes
O ghaistly ships-o-war athort our gait,
Garrin us rinram-stam to action stations
Then see them melt awa intil the air.

Ower lang this trauchle lasts throu the seas o daith,
Wi ne'er a sign o welcome at the port,
Nae 'Libertymen fall in!' to cheer our herts,
But sullen sentries at the jetty-heid,
And leesome-landsome waiting at our birth.

At length we turn about, and sail for hame,
Back through rouch seas, throu ice and snaw and sleet,
Hirdin the draiglet remnent o our flock
Bieldin them weel frae skaith o enemie.
But southwart noo we airt intil the licht
Leaving the perils o the Arctic nicht.

J.K. Annand

(The Edinburgh Book of Twentieth-century Scottish Poetry)

Friday, 8 March 2013

All is not as it seems here. This is a land of illusion; the light plays tricks on the eyes, and the air is alive with the absence of sound. I’m seeing Svalbard from different viewpoints as we sail back into the fjord and our home port of Longyearbyen. They're conflicting. No one comes from Svalbard.

There was no ancient civilisation here. There is no indigenous population either, even the Inuits and Vikings steered clear. Individuals in Svalbard were and are transitory. Pyramiden is a ghost town, trappers have gone, whalers and miners still come and go but to a lesser degree. Today's settlements exist mostly for geological exploration and research or to maintain a political presence. Tourists will come and go. No one is born on Svalbard, women travel to Tromsø on the Norwegian mainland to have their babies. No one will have Svalbard written on their birth certificate. No one comes from Svalbard.

But everyone relates to their environment in some shape or form and if a human landscape is a map latticed with habits and rituals created over time, how then is empty wilderness mapped out? Architecture and man-made structures can serve as time-lines we can relate to, but geology with its greater timescale and slower  evolution doesn’t give away too many secrets. Traces of past human settlements in Svalbard are time-locked; whalers and trappers huts preserved by the dry Arctic air look much the same now as when they were constructed long ago. In the absence of physical markers there is no time-line, and memories survive only as echoes and shadows. 

Longyearbyen, the largest settlement on Svalbard is now populated mostly by university workers, replacing the coal mining community of the past. It's a purposeful and functional town, physically it’s like an engineering project in progress.The permafrost dictates how buildings can be sited and constructed; pipes are lagged above ground creating a big linear network, the bare bones of a settlement exposed. The coal fired power station with its permanent smoking chimney is there for the town alone, the sole source of energyCommunication masts, weather stations and scientific instruments lie alongside the disused mining structures. Visually, none of this looks unusual in the landscape; they fit in with the stark, uncompromising nature of it all. But it was thought a good idea to introduce non-Arctic colour to the university housing, so a Norwegian artist was brought in to choose the warm ochres for the houses. A huddle of earth amidst the ice and snow. A time-line in progress?

Longyearbyen now is full of contradictions. For all the hype about protecting the environment and the polar bears, coal is burned for energy, and raw sewage is pumped straight through the middle of the town into the fjord. If you want to sail north from Europe and take some whales back with you, well that seems to be ok too. One law for the land, one for the sea, none for the atmosphere. Or might protection of the waters potentially inhibit exploration for oil, if and when the ice cap melts? Already oil companies are set up around the Arctic waiting for that time. It’s not unreasonable to suggest that politics is the driving force here. 

This is a fascinating and unique place in all respects. It's also incredibly beautiful in an extreme and barren sort of way. But there is a need for people to somehow connect with and value this unique environment for what it is and not to solely exploit it for what it's got. Although it's far away from most of us and difficult to relate to, ordinary people just like us live, love and work there - it's not so different in many respects. It's also very much part of us ecologically. What happens here environmentally will effect us all - we can't escape that. It's not only the polar bears who are at stake.

It's time to leave. I wish I could stay and experience the full cycle of Dark Time and the eventual return of the sun in the Spring. Feeling very privileged, I smile, take one last look at the magical lingering light then tuck it inside me to bring out and savour later.